Sunday, July 18, 2010

how to add related posts on Blogger

we have seen on most of the blogger site , "Related post" section is there after every post now you want to add this Related post / Similar post on your blog ? follow the below easy steps and configure you blogger accordingly.

  • Open site

  • Go to Design section under that you will get Edit Html Tab just click on it.

  • now before making any changes on your xml file just take abackup for safty

  • just click on "Expand widget templates "

  • Add the below code above the </head > section or better way is search the keyword </head>

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

  • now search for code <data:post.body/>

  • After this paste the below code line

  • <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <div id='related-posts'>
    <font face='Arial' size='3'><b>Related Posts: </b></font><font color='#000000'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <script expr:src='"/feeds/posts/default/-/" + + "?alt=json-in-script&callback=related_results_labels&max-results=5"' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop> </font>
    <script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();

  • now on the above code you will see the red section line "max-results=xx" here you can enter no of post you want to see on your page
    accordingly you can mention it.

  • now save you template and see the magic on your post

  • you will see the number of post after each article , before that you need to add label on your post. hope you like it

  • if you face any problem while doing this plz leave a comment.

Friday, June 11, 2010

How strong name assemblies keep you out of DLL Hell

while using Microsoft .NET framework for creating any application we are previously facing same problem with the DLL Hell. it arises a problem while updating a components so it breaks the other application which are depend on it. to overcome such a issues developer needs to implement the concept of Strong name .In this article you can through with how and why to use strong name .

Strong Name :
what is strong name? A Strong name is of information used to identify the assembly which may consist of Text-name , four part of version number , culture information , public key and the digital signature which may stored in a assembly manifest that get embedded on the file of the assembly.

By using the Strong name the CLR can assured that two assembly can be there with the same name. by the way strong name is basically provided the unique identification of the assembly. there are two scenarios in which the strong name can included in the assembly
1.Shared Assemblies
2. Serviced Components.

on the first case the shared assemblies can be used in the multiple application which may running on the same machine on GAC. and you may get the benefit ares:
1. Single Development
2. Bypass verification
3. Centralized update

yes as your getting such a good benefits then surely there is also a some issues on it that is
1.calling a private assemblies : if the shared assemblies can load with the type of private assembly then CRL will throw an Error because it reference only shared assemblies.
2. Trusting assemblies :
3. Installation issues :

How to create "Strong Name".
To create strong name for assembly you need a (al.exe) tool which is a assembly generation tool .now to create a key pair in the file you can use Strong name utility (Sn.exe) like this way.
Sn.exe -k filename.dat

The key file could be used on Al.exe to generate the strong name.
Al.exe /out:Input.dll /Keyfile:output.dat

Like this way you can design your strong name with the key. hope you get something from this
if you have any query on it plz post the reply.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

my oracle interview experience

hi friends,

last week i was attended "ORACLE financial services" interview for the .NET Developer post. Here i am sharing my experience on interview hope so it will help you while going for an Oracle Interview. i was disqualify from 3rd Round (Final Technical Round).

Interview Process:
There was 4 Round 1 st Online Test ( 47 Question 1 hrs ) but be careful there is also a negative marking as well as there is also a cutoff (if u select more than 1 answer and answer is wrong ) then again some deduction on your marks . Quite tough mostly Question on Assembly , Framework , C# , then hardly question on Datalist,Datagrid, Gridview and all basic. we totally 3 people get selected in first round out of 10.

Second Round is Technical Round. it was ok only basic question get ask during the interview , but in most of them are in-depth question just like on DataGrid DataBind() wht happen exactly , which function get executed at first onRowDataBound() or DataBind(). how .net life cycle will work on this process and all . i also got selected on this round .

now There was a Final Round on again Technical . There was 2 panelist in front of me and asking question on most of the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and Question on backed on Pl-sql / SQL2005 . i thing around 15+ question get ask during the interview process i have answer most of them . but interview was cool .

at last there was an only final Round Remaining which is HR Round. but sorry to say friends i was disqualified from this process (2nd Technical Round). hope my this experience will help you to get it in ORACLE or any other software farm .because most of the time same process is there every where .

hope i will get good company out of this. better luck next time .but one thing is sure i am getting very good experience from this.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jquery 1.4.1 released

very good news to all the Jquery users and jquery lovers. the latest version of Jquery ( which is 1.4.1 has been released).it has lot of improvement on bases of performance , new additonal features and many new functions are added to make
jquery very popular. i really enjoy with the same. as you can see the execution time of realease version is very less in time as compare with the previous one.
here are the Minified and Regular version .

You can download the js frem the above link.or you can take a advantage of Google CDN on :
while using CDN one is very good idea , because if anything get change on current realease then it will automatically updated on your application ,. if your using Google CDN features , Microsoft is also providing the same kind of feature of CDN you can also take the help form there also.

on new release they have added methds like , Setter , Getter and many more ajax features. the Whole API Documentation you
can get it from here.

now guys why your waiting , just use latest version of Jquery on your application and make your application very cool and attractive .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tips on Google Buzz

on my previous post i was discuss on what is Google buzz , how you can add Google Buzz button on your Blogger / Wordpress. now on this article i am just discussing tips on Google Buzz , hope u enjoy this

1.Quick open Google Buzz
yes there are some keyboards shortkuts on gmail for opening google Buzz quickly, type g b from gmail view and Google Buzz will get open.
here are few more shortcuts.
m - mute
r- add comments
p/n - Go to new conversation
o -expand conversation
and so on.

2. Hide buzz Counter.
Now some time we dont want to view that google buzz counter on mail panal , now in this time you can remove that or hide that. Google has not given any facility to do so , but here is tricks to do this,
simple drag your lable (Buzz(3)) and and put this into More section . look at this image you will come to know

3. Subscribe Buzz feed

yes google posts each scrap to there user profile page. and you can open that by using orange icon display in your browser to subscribe a feed. it will looks this way

4.Add rich text

again this is a cool tricks on adding a rich text on your buzz message.
*bold message*
_italic message_
-deleted message-

5.View Photos in SlideShow Effects.

when ever you upload the images to the Google buzz , they basically added on Picasa albums, and when ever you clikc on that image it get open from there with the Light box effects , google has give that option that you can organize that photos according to your view and select the Slideshow option on it , then it get export those pics on picasa.

6.View Public Buzz message:

yes now you can search the public messages also with the help of google buzz. even though you can also restrict the
social connection on the buzz, that means you can protect your buzz while viewing to anyone else.
now how you can search it : that means it will return all the buzz result with this email id. like this way
you can search it. : this will search all the user that have given a comments .
has:photo, has:video, has:link : now here you can restrict the search just like if you enter has:photo that means only those result get sort out , those are hainvg photo in this buzz just like the videos and link and other

7 .Save searches

now not last but main useful feature is saving the search. what ever you have been search till time that get save automatically so later on also you can search it whtever search result your getting on previous search.

hope it will help you to make your buzz perfect , enjoy it happy buzzingg..

Monday, March 8, 2010

Add Google Buzz Button on Blogger

now you can use google Buzz buttons to share your ideas , pics, videos, and many more just like the twitter does,here is my post on how to add twitter button on your site or blog.the same you can add it for your google buzz basically if u search on google you get the lots of search on how to add google buzz button on Word-press blog, its very easy to do so you need to download the plugin and install it on your server that's it. but now u can use same on blogger too ,
Please follow the steps to add the Google buzz button

1.Sign in on your blogger account
2.Go to Dashboard section - Layout and click on Edit HTML
3.and it will show you HTML code , now try to search the keyword
<div class='post-header-line-1'>
on it, below that you can paste this code , google buzz provides you two button one is bigger one
just like this and smaller one too , here is code for large button

<a href='javascript:var%20b=document.body;var%20GR________bookmarklet_domain="";if(b&&!document.xmlVersion){void(z=document.createElement("script"));void(z.src="");void(b.appendChild(z));}else{}'> <img alt='Buzz this' src=''/> </a>

which will looks like

5.and here is compact button code
<a href='javascript:var%20b=document.body;var%20GR________bookmarklet_domain="";if(b&&!document.xmlVersion){void(z=document.createElement("script"));void(z.src="");void(b.appendChild(z));}else{}'> <img alt='Buzz this' src=''/> </a>
which will looks like save the template and see how exactly it appering on blog.

hope this article is helpful for you , thank you. if you have any problem while adding plz leave a comment we will help you.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Microsoft AJAX CDN

hi guys , on my last blog you have seen how microsoft ajax minifer get work and how its useful while developing a application. fine now one more great feature today i will discuss with you . that is ajax CDN (Content Delivery Network ), yes as the name suggested content get deliver on network, no need of updation of code and all auto m atically it get updated all over the world,

some time back google get introduce this in terms of Jquery and all , now microsoft is also take a part on same while using ajax cdn. at first is service is free, does not require king of registration or anything ,and one thing is you can use it in both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

What does a CDN ?
it get composed of "edge cache" servers which are highly strategically placed in all over the world at Internet network points. These "edge cache" servers can be used to cache and deliver all types of content – which get including images, CSS and JavaScript files ,videos and many more.

How to use
now for example if you want to use jQuery from the Microsoft AJAX CDN you can simply add a standard script tag to your page, that you can put in you <Head > section

now whenever the script get required the browser get send the request to the microsoft cdn for functiuon and from there automatically updation get happen
one better advantage is it get cache automatically so no need to send request and make http page heavier. so from the SEO (search engine optimization ) point of view also its too good .

now how you can use that on Visual Studio on your application,
now a days The ASP.NET 4.0 control includes a new property named EnableCdn. that means When you assign the value true to this property, your application will use the Microsoft CDN to request JavaScript files automatically:
that means script get generate automatically so no need of write a code for same , this again useful for SEO purpose for JS minfication . this problem get solve ones you check you application in terms of Google page speed issue.

you need to simply set EnableCDn="true" automatically it get work look at below how exactly it get work

now hope u got the idea clear how exatly it get work and how its useful
thanx , if u want more on same plz add a comment on this post

Sunday, February 14, 2010

microsoft ajax minifier

hi all , yes long time while posting a article on my blog, now i m back , hei i have seen
most of the people are uses Microsoft ajax control in there web application , its also working fine
and also good looking in projects ,

but at a time testing of web site performance then so many issues get arises , they may be all related with speed , performance , ratio and all , now i also face this problem on my applicatin
and while searching i found good article on how to minify the ajax control auto generated (runtime) script there are two ways
either u can compress them or u can use ajax CDN facility to handle them , yes ajax introduces the CDN faliclity for ther JQUERY, AJAX tools , yes its really good while use them in out application.

now u can see how its very important in terms of project implementation.
you can refer this Scott 's blog post ,you wil come to know how its useful . announcing-microsoft-ajax-library

hope u like this